St Kitts and Nevis: Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew addressed the nation on Thursday, August 17, 2023, and highlighted the accomplishments of the St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party, which enhanced and upgraded the various sectors during the one year. The Labour Party completed its one year in office on August 6, 2023.

In a recent Interview with the radio jockey Jamie Mc Phill on Freedom 105.6 FM, Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew talked about the accomplishments which St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party made for the nation’s sustainable growth and development.

Prime Minister Dr Terrance, while marking the one-year Governance of the St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party, recognized the hard work and consistency the Government has put in to advance the nation.

He shared that the first year was quite challenging for them to understand the people’s needs and undertake several steps for the country’s growth and development. He also shared that the year was rewarding and helped the Government to initiate various things that have positively impacted people’s lives.

He also took a moment to extend his heartfelt gratitude to all the cabinet members for working collectively and moving the most challenging things. As per him, the most critical and challenging thing for the labour party was to stabilize the country and to correct the past loopholes by the previous Government.

Prime Minister highlighted that the Children’s Health Fund has played a vital role in saving their nation’s children and helping them lead a healthy, safe and Prosperous life. He marked this fund as a pivotal accomplishment by the St Kitts and Nevis labour party.

Further, he also mentioned the crises faced by the Development Bank, which was once about to collapse. As per him, the Development Bank was in lack of confidence. The Development Bank was the most critical and challenging task for the Labour Party; if the bank had failed, it would have affected the country and the leader tremendously.

After consistent hard work and dedication by Government officials and bank workers, the development bank got good leadership and stabilized.

Prime Minister Dr Terrance also mentioned providing $200 000 as Social Security to the Development Bank since May 2023, which they also increased to $250 000 in June 2023. He also noted the Government’s plan to increase social Security to $300,000 monthly.

The Prime Minister also outlined to make the nation regain its social security. He said that Social security is the most critical asset of one’s life, and one cannot risk it.

He raised the need that Social Security must get its money back. He also shared some statistical figures that about $ 120 million people save their money on Social Security to use only during emergencies like pregnancy, sick, accidents etc.

He noted that the Development Bank was earlier not in a position to give its social Security back to its people. The Government has taken effective initiatives to ensure the Development Bank regained its power and social Security.