The Deputy Minister of Culture in Bulgaria, Chavdar Georgiev, met with the Chamber of Architects (CAB) representatives on Thursday, August 17, 2023, and discussed changing the Law on Cultural Heritage.

The Deputy Minister of Culture, Chavdar Georgiev, also enjoyed meeting with the delegations. They addressed the Legislation reforms, Preparation of the Venice Biennial 2025, new Building for the CAB etc.

• Legislation reform
Deputy Minister of Culture Arch. Chavdar Georgiev reported that the Ministry of Culture (MK) is preparing changes to the Law on Cultural Heritage (CN) that will be publicly presented by the end of the year. The proposals aim to shorten the deadlines for coordinating projects and ease the administrative procedures in the cultural and historical heritage system.

• Preparation of the Venice Biennial 2025
Participants at the meeting discussed the need to start preparations for Bulgaria’s participation in the Venice Architectural Biennial 2025. Argh. Vladimir Milkov and the arch. Martin Hristov stressed that Bulgaria returned to the World Forum with a strong performance, and the Bulgarian Pavilion was ranked in the top 10 of the most impressive exhibitions.

Deputy Minister Georgiev informed that a Working Group to the MK will be established to report on the 2023 Biennale. And to organize and optimize the rules for Bulgaria’s subsequent participation in the prestigious forum.

It is expected that 2024 a competition for the curatorial project of national participation in the Biennial in 2025 to be announced. A budget forecast is also to be prepared.

• New building for the CAB
Argh. Vladimir Milkov questioned the possibility of CAB applying to use the former NINKN building on Blvd. “The Dondukov”. In 2022 negotiations were held with the then Minister of Culture, prof. Velislav Minekov.

The CAB commits to apply for funding under national programs and provide its funds for the restoration of the building. The professional organization will do a free project for a complete renovation of the building that will be preserved in its authentic appearance. The CAB is about to submit a motivated proposal to the MK.

The MK attended the meeting. -the minister arch. Chavdar Georgiev; Amelia Gesheva, Advisor to Minister Krastu Krastev; Director of NINKN arch. Petar Petrov; Ekaterina Jumalieva, Director of Cultural Heritage, Museums and Fine Arts Directorate. The Chairman Arch represented CAB. Vladimir Milkov, road. -the president’s arch. Martin Hristov and the Arch. Konstantin Peev and the Republic of Kazakhstan Sofia – Regional Arch Chairman. Borislav Vladimirov.