US Embassy in Mauritius hosts Workshop on Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture Development

The United States Embassy in Mauritius, in partnership with the Seychelles Fishing Authority and Seychelles Investment Board, organized a workshop on "Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture Development" in Seychelles.

US Embassy in Mauritius hosts “Women in Green Technologies: Empowering Women to Lead Sustainability forum

The United States Embassy in Mauritius is pleased to host the "Women in Green Technologies: Empowering Women to Lead Sustainability Initiatives" forum on Friday, August 11, 2023. They also shared some glimpses from the event.

Tag: Mauritius

Far-Right Gains Momentum in French Snap Elections: Polls Show Divided Voter Sentiment

The survey of 11,820 respondents indicates strong voter engagement, with an anticipated turnout of 61% to 65%. This stark increase contrasts sharply with previous elections, highlighting the pivotal nature of the upcoming French snap elections

Paris-Berlin Night Train Service Temporarily Suspended for Infrastructure Upgrades

The pause, expected to last until October 26, 2024, comes as both French and German railway authorities undertake critical maintenance work along key segments of their respective networks

French Court Rules Ravel Sole Author of “Boléro,” Denying Co-authorship Claim

The ruling ensures that "Boléro" remains in the public domain, affirming Ravel's exclusive authorship over the iconic musical piece. "Boléro," which premiered at the Paris Opera in 1928, quickly captivated audiences worldwide with its distinctive crescendo and hypnotic rhythm

Sweden and Finland Ease Alcohol Sales Restrictions While Maintaining State Monopolies

This move, championed by the center-right government in Stockholm, aims to support local entrepreneurs and enhance visitor experiences with the promise of "creating great memories

Euro 2024: Belgium Highly Motivated to Engage France in Last-16 Clash

Following a goalless draw against Ukraine, Belgian midfielder Kevin De Bruyne expressed confidence in his team's readiness for what promises to be a grueling encounter on Monday