Publicist 24

CBI Programme levels up with Michael Martin’s enthusiastic efforts

Michael Martin, the CBI Unit leader has given his enthusiastic efforts to strengthen the CBI programme. For the betterment of… Read More

5 months ago

St Kitts and Nevis steps towards development by unveiling new aprons and taxiways

The government of Saint Kitts and Nevis unveiled new aprons and taxiways at the RLB International Airport on Tuesday. Read More

6 months ago

PM Terrance Drew extends condolence to victims’ families

PM Terrance Drew consoles the family of the three young victims of the incident that happened at St Peters. Read More

7 months ago

PM Terrance Drew provides tablets to Deane Glassford School students

PM Terrance Drew provided the tablets on November 22 to the students of Deane Glassford Primary School of St Kitts… Read More

7 months ago

PM Terrance Drew marks his presence at The Art Exhibition

PM Terrance Drew visited the Youth Empowerment Department on November 21 to have a look at the Art Exhibition at… Read More

7 months ago

PM Terrance Drew wishes Happy World’s Children Day

PM marks his presence to children on the occasion World's Children Day and wishes them emphasizing the rights children have. Read More

7 months ago

PM Terrance Drew shares moment with Prince of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

St Kitts and Nevis: Prime Minister Terrance Drew shared the moment with Prince Mohammed bin Sakman AL Saud, Crown Prince… Read More

8 months ago

50 Mars Associates from Belgium Mars particpates in Mars Volunteer Program

Belgium: 50 Mars Associates in Belgium from Belgium Mars participated in the Mars Volunteer Programme. This Program has been launched… Read More

9 months ago

Saint Lucia: Deputy PM Ernest shares a deep and inspiring quote, “Everything You Can Imagine is Real”

Saint Lucia: Deputy Prime Minister Ernest Hilaire shared a quote with deep meaning on his official social media handle today… Read More

9 months ago