British Conservative Party Politician and Member of Parliament for Highpeak in the United Kingdom, Robert Largan, announced the Government’s plan to install Defibrillators for different communities. For this, the Government has launched funding of £1millions.

While sharing some updates from the Government’s plan to install Defibrillators in Community spaces for the local people, the Member of Parliament for Highpeak also showed his urge to people to help the Government in this plan.

As per the Update, Under this fund, the Government would provide an estimated 1,000 new defibrillators, which will be available for bids from community organisations and in-match funding. The Successful applicants will be asked to match the funding they receive partially or fully, potentially doubling capacity.

MP Robert Largan shared that the funding will be granted to applicants who demonstrate that defibrillators will be placed in areas where they are most needed, such as places with high footfall, vulnerable people, rural areas or due to the nature of the activity at the site.

Examples could include town halls, community centres, shops, post offices, and parks.

Further, the Member of Parliament, Robert Largan, shared that this Government’s plan of installing Defibrillators comes on top of the effort to roll out automated external defibrillators to every school by the end of this academic year.

“Interested organisations find out more information and apply for a share of the funding here:…/bids-invited-for-1-million…” he further quoted.

Furthermore, while urging the people to engage and contribute to this Government’s plan, MP Robert added, “Please do share this with any local groups who you think might be interested in bidding.”

“If you are looking to bid, please get in touch with me, so I can do my best to support your bid as well.” he further asked.