Germany is facing a new problem regarding the number of refugees reaching the nation from Ukraine, that of accommodation.

The head of the non-governmental association Pro Asyl, Gunter Burkhardt, on March 18, stated that Germany did not have enough reception facilities for all those refugees coming from Ukraine.

Burkhardt noted in this regard, “The problem facing the government is that they didn’t reduce the time previous arrivals to Germany spent in first reception facilities.”

The head of migrant aid group Pro Asyl also stressed that the government should have reduced the maximum amount of time spent at these facilities from 18 months to three months.

As per Burkhardt, Germany is at the beginning of the number of those who have arrived in Germany so far, and if the war continues, Germany must make a permanent settlement for these people.

The German Ministry has made an announcement that nearly 239,000 refugees from Ukraine had been registered in Germany.

Whereas the Federal Police said that as of Wednesday, 238,932 people, most of them are women, children, and the elderly, have arrived from Ukraine.

The unions representing the police in Germany said the nation was also facing the problem of registering Ukrainian refugees. All Ukrainians fleeing the war can enter Germany without a visa and do not need to register if they do not seek housing assistance.

Heinz Hilgers, president of the League for the Protection of Children, said that local administrations were preparing to find more places for children for Ukrainians coming from Ukraine to Germany.

He noted that, “Children also need places where they can play with other children of their age.”

As per the statement, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) announced that 148 volunteers are stationed in Berlin to operate the power supply, expand emergency shelters, and transport state-owned camps and medical facilities.

Moreover, United Nations data provided that ten million Ukrainians have been displaced by war, and about 3.5 million have already left their country.