The Hong Kong Post reported that China is no longer taking preventive steps to prevent the Covid-19 virus spread, and they are their citizens to move and travel as they wish. This could result in a situation similar to 2020 when the infection spread worldwide from a Wuhan lab.

To acquire immune systems and shift its attention back to economic development, several media sources claim that China is attempting to infect its entire population with Covid virus, spreading it to different countries, again dooming the entire planet.

Thousands of people are dying in a chaotic situation on the ground. In an effort to stop the spread of Covid, the Chinese government has rejected offers from Western nations to supply Beijing with stronger and more effective vaccines. The situation has raised tensions between European and Worldwide administrations.

According to a source, the European Union has offered to give China Covid vaccinations to help the country control the widespread infectious epidemic.

The offer was made in response to the Chinese-manufactured Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines’ failure to develop immunity against Covid,

The ongoing Covid wave in China has left hospitals overcrowded, and cemeteries packed, making it difficult to control the outbreak in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and other major locations.

CNN reports that since the government abandoned its “Zero-Covid” policy, Covid cases have increased in China.

Since the testing was discontinued, Chinese officials have reported having difficulty keeping track of the country’s Covid illnesses.

According to CNN, the World Health Organization (WHO) charged China on Wednesday with trying to downplay the seriousness of its Covid outbreak.

In a statement to the media on Wednesday in Geneva, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “We keep requesting China to provide more timely, consistent, and accurate hospitalisation and death statistics as well as more thorough, real-time viral sequencing.

According to Ghebreyesus, as mentioned by CNN, WHO has emphasised the significance of vaccination, especially booster doses, to prevent hospitalisation, serious illness, and death due to their worry over the risk to human life in China.

In his New Year’s address, Chinese President Xi Jinping defended his Covid policy, calling it logical and well-thought-out.

However, according to Geo-Politik, Xi failed to mention the government’s lack of preparation and the abrupt end to the Zero-Covid policy, which increased cases across the nation.

He said that a science-based and targeted approach was used to adopt the Covid reaction.

According to Geo-Politik, Xi said, “we have altered our Covid response in light of the shifting scenario using a science-based and targeted approach to protect the life and health of the people to the maximum extent possible.”

According to the Geo-Politik, Xi emphasised that officials and members of the public, particularly community workers and medical experts, bravely stayed in their posts.