The NATO flag and the flags of its members, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark, Croatia, and others, were lowered to half-mast outside the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium to show support for their ally Turkey, which is experiencing severe difficulties as a result of three consecutive earthquakes that have shaken the country.


After Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a level four alert and declared seven days of mourning in honour of those who lost their lives in this deadly disaster, NATO allies and their respective leaders are sending Turkey a superabundance of aid, including financial and humanitarian assistance.

People were resting quietly in their homes when the earthquake struck, unaware of the impending peril. A 7.8 Magnitude earthquake that occurred during the night shook nearly ten different parts of the nation. This earthquake’s epicentre was in Kahramanmaraş.

Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated that the continent stands in full solidarity with the people of Türkiye and Syria after the deadly earthquake occurred on February 6. She informed through her social media accounts that Europe’s support is already on the way and will be ready to continue helping in every way.

The number of casualties has crossed more than 7800 people in Southern Turkey and Syria after the third back-to-back earthquake struck the country again on Tuesday, February 7.

According to the rescuers deployed in the affected region, they need more assistance to dig out the collapsed buildings’ rubble quickly. It is estimated that more than 5000 residential structures collapsed by the devastating earthquake.

President Joe Biden also remarked that the USA had directed its team to closely monitor the situation in coordination with Turkiye and provide every needed assistance.


French President Emmanuel Macron also came to help Turkey; He Said, “France stands prepared to deliver emergency aid to the inhabitants on the spot. Our thoughts are with the grieving families”.

Instead of NATO allies, other nations from around the world—including India, China, Russia, and other Asian and African nations—have stepped forward to support Turkey and help it fast recover from this severe crisis. By keeping the country during these trying times, NATO members and other nations painted a picture of togetherness and humanity.