The German Consul to Brazil Uwe Herbert Hahn, who has been stood accused of beating his Belgian husband to death after more than two decades together- has been recently placed by a court of Brazil on Interpol’s list of fugitives after he escaped to Germany on Sunday.
The German diplomat was first nabbed and later charged for the death of his husband & Belgian national Walter Biot. After Hahn has planned to flee to Germany over the weekend before the start of his trial, a Brazilian court has ruled to place him on Interpol’s list of fugitives – which would put out an extradition request.
The Rio de Janeiro court in a statement said that the judge had “ordered the protective custody of the German consul Uwe Herbert Hahn, who is blamed of the murder of his husband, the Belgian Walter Biot, on August 5.”
The German diplomat has been in custody from August 6, but was later released during last week after the issues with the beginning of the trial. Whereas his passport has not been yet seized, which has resulted in Hahn’s escape back to Germany.
Hahn was captured in his apartment in Rio de Janeiro in the beginning of August following the lifeless body of his husband was found there.
Hahn said to the police that Biot has experienced a fatal fall at their beachfront penthouse. Hahn has stated that Biot had a fit, then began running towards the apartment’s balcony, tripped on a rug, and hit his head, which caused a fatal injury.