As per Asian Lite, an Asian daily published in the United Kingdom, since the elimination of Article 370 in 2019, the Indian government has been successful in changing public opinions of Jammu and Kashmir and improving the economic situation of its citizens.

Manoj Sinha, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor, reported that the J&K government had removed all obstacles to implementing people-friendly policies and establishing new enterprises and industries in the region. According to the report, the L-G claimed that the community well received the actions made by his administration.

The report cited that Article 370 was the main reason for secessionism, terrorism, nepotism, discrimination & corruption and kept J&K underdeveloped. This was about developments in Jammu and Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370. It has broken free from the past three years and is now embarking on a new development road.

The Asian Lite further explained that they had eradicated the problems that had emerged in implementing a people-friendly government and starting new enterprises and industries. They emphasised that We must provide equal possibilities for everyone.

The paper quoted the L-G as claiming that the witness of peaceful and prosperous Jammu Kashmir is accelerated growth, enhanced socio-economic indices, extraordinary progress in all priority areas, significant tourist influx, and industrial investment.

In addition, the Agriculture Production Department of Jammu and Kashmir approved a “Roadmap for Poultry Development in J&K” on Friday as part of its mission for the holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors, according to the report. This will help the poultry industry move toward sustainability and self-reliance.

According to the newspaper citing Atal Dulloo, additional chief secretary of Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare Department (APD), the Union Territory observes a flight of money every year due to chicken imports into the state. The total amount per year is Rs. 1273 crore. 

Eggs cost Rs. 473 crores, day-old chicks Rs. 110 crores, poultry feed Rs. 300 crores, and broiler birds Rs. 390 crores, according to the newspaper citing Atal Dulloo, additional chief secretary, Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare Department (APD).

According to him, the roadmap for poultry growth would result in establishing 420 businesses and creating 4,250 direct jobs over the following five years.

‘Roadmap for Poultry Development in J&K’ is one of 29 projects for which the administration has given the go-ahead.