The Netherlands has announced a permanent prohibition on international adoptions, marking a significant policy shift aimed at addressing longstanding concerns about the integrity and legality of the practice. 

As stated by Minister of Legal Protection Franc Weerwind, this decision signifies a definitive end to an era where Dutch families adopted approximately 40,000 children from 80 different countries over the past fifty years.


Weerwind emphasized that all ongoing interstate adoption procedures will remain at a standstill for the foreseeable future, ensuring that no new international adoptions will be processed under the current framework. This decision follows a nearly two-year temporary ban on intercountry adoptions that the Dutch government implemented from February 2021 to November 2022. 

The temporary ban was a response to mounting evidence of irregularities and unlawful practices within the adoption system. In recent years, the practice of adopting children from abroad has already been on the decline. 

According to data from the independent Institute for the Study of Dutch Youth Problems, only 145 international adoptions were recorded in 2019, with numbers further dwindling to 70 in 2020 amid the global COVID-19 pandemic

These figures starkly contrast with the higher adoption rates of previous decades. The scrutiny of the Dutch adoption system has been largely driven by the experiences of adults who were adopted as children. 

Many of these individuals have begun to seek information about their biological heritage, uncovering discrepancies in their birth certificates or evidence suggesting their adoptions may have been facilitated unlawfully. These revelations have prompted a comprehensive reassessment of Dutch adoption policies and highlighted the need for stricter regulations to ensure ethical practices.

The Dutch government’s decision has sparked a mix of reactions among stakeholders. Advocacy groups and individuals affected by past adoption practices have largely welcomed the move, seeing it as a necessary step to prevent further injustices. 


“This decision recognizes the rights of adopted individuals to know their origins and ensures that future adoptions are conducted with the highest ethical standards,” said Maria van der Meer, a spokesperson for Adoption Justice Netherlands, a group advocating for adoptees’ rights.

However, some prospective adoptive parents have expressed disappointment and concern over the new restrictions. “We understand the need for oversight and reform, but a complete halt feels like a drastic measure,” commented Johan and Annelies Brouwer, a couple who had been in the process of adopting a child from Colombia

“There must be a way to balance the protection of children’s rights with the desires of families willing to provide loving homes.”

Minister Weerwind acknowledged these concerns but remained firm in his stance. “Our primary responsibility is to protect vulnerable children and ensure their rights are upheld,” he stated. 

“The current system has too many flaws, and until we can guarantee that adoptions are conducted legally and ethically, we must pause and reassess our approach.”

The Netherlands’ decision reflects a broader global trend of increasing scrutiny and regulation of international adoptions. 

Countries like South Korea, Guatemala, and Ethiopia have also imposed restrictions or bans on intercountry adoptions in response to similar concerns about unethical practices and child trafficking.

As the Dutch government works towards developing a more transparent and accountable adoption framework, the international community will be closely watching its progress. 

This move, while controversialunderscores the Netherlands’ commitment to child welfare and the protection of human rights, setting a precedent for other nations grappling with the complexities of international adoption.


This article was created using automation and was thoroughly edited and fact-checked by one of our staff editorial members


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