US: New York-based Swarna Ranjani Manike recalled all the past memories and realized as she grew up that life is all made up of several stages and memories full of moments of laughs, cries, love, hatred, loneliness, and many more emotions, tastes and smells.

New York-based Swarna Ranjani Manike recalled her past memories and moments, realized that those years she lived have passed so quickly, and shared that, like this, the clock of life will never stop and will continue to tick at its full speed.

Swarna Ranjani Manika, a New York-based woman originally from Miami, Florida, shared her long post with the caption stating certain words about life and realizing its meaning after recalling her life’s precious moments as she soon reaches her fifties.

She wrote,” And one morning we get up… We’re thirty, forty, and soon to be fifty
We realize that the years have passed at full speed and that they have left us with a few wrinkles in the corners of our eyes.
And the clock continues to tick at full speed..
So we take stock!
We think back to the people we have more or less known,
To those who counted,
Those who left too soon and whom we regret,
Those who made us laugh or cry…
We remember the moments of happiness,
To those in which we felt alone and
to the dreams we had…
We see that everyone has traced their own path,
Some are better than others,
But it is at this moment that we realize that there are several stages in a life.
Each of these stages is different,
Each one has a particular taste and smell,\
And to each, we assimilate faces,
Names, memories.
Hatreds and loves…
This is what life really is:
A succession of memories…”