World’s first government legal advisory to promote citizenship through investment programmes, CS Global Partners, recently launched the WCR (world Citizenship Report) 2023 in London, United Kingdom.
The WCR 2023 examines various factors that drive high-net-worth individuals to consider citizenship by investment. Subsequently, it ranks countries according to five motivators. Unlike other citizenship reports that base citizenship solely on visa-free travel, the WCR illustrates the best citizenships in the world based on several detailed factors held in high regard by global citizens.
The World Citizenship Report, WCR, is the industry’s first endeavour to investigate the value of citizenship through the lens of the global-minded individual. The WCR 2023, launched by the first advisory government, CS Global Partners, provides a unique look at the needs of global citizens.
The WCR 2023 highlights the importance of nationality to global citizens; The WCR helps people to demystify the standing of each Nation in the world in the context of the motivators that determine what people consider necessary in their lives for them to thrive. It is a holistic approach by CS Global Partners that concentrates on the factors that global citizens consider when deciding where to live, work, educate themselves and their families, and place down secondary roots.
With an excellent idea of promoting citizenship to the people, the WCR 2023 released by CS Global partners ensures the freedom of every individual living has the full right to participate actively and fully in society and to pursue their goals without facing hindrances and oppression.
The World Citizenship Report 2023 provides a survey to include the wider audience to know what ordinary people prioritize regarding their nationality. The WCR is the world’s first endeavour to investigate the value of citizenship through the lens of the global citizen. Through WCR, the CS Global partners seek to go beyond conventional measures of a citizenship’s power by ranking them based on the needs, wants and desires of the current and future global citizens.
The WCR, 2023, by CS Global Partners, has been continuously building its reputation as an ambitious product reflecting the evolving nature of these positive attitudes toward citizenship with the defining issues of time concerning global citizens, including health and wellbeing, environmental sustainability, and shifting investment priorities.
The WCR 2023 highlights the five motivators considering the strengths and weaknesses of each country through the assessment. Using this unique methodology, the WCR has comprehensively evaluated the research’s qualitative and quantitative aspects in their report with 188 nationalities worldwide.
The Co-founder and CEO of CS Global Partners, Micha-Rose Emmett, stated, “The World Citizenship Report is an excellent resource that can help you gain a comprehensive understanding of citizenship. It highlights the links between individuals, the collective, the personal sphere, and the larger socio-economic domain. It sheds light on the elements that shape one’s identity and sense of belonging.”
She further emphasized the needs of the global citizens and mentioned that a person living in a nation with limited basic services might covet the freedom to access better healthcare, education, and social welfare programmes. Individuals experiencing limited economic opportunities face barriers to employment or business opportunities and have an increased interest in financial freedom.”
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Five Motivators are as follows:
Safety and Security: Safety and Security involves the ability of people of a particular nationality to enjoy more excellent social safety and security for themselves and their families. It also includes the Safety net against being trapped in a territory with civil disorder.
Economic Opportunity: The ability to access the world’s most significant business hubs and increase access to better employment prospects and business opportunities for the people.
Quality of Life: Access to territories with higher social and institutional stability, provision of Higher standards of living, education, and healthcare.
Global Mobility: Global Mobility ensures to Empower greater freedom to travel, whether for leisure, lifestyle, or business also ensures the Insurance policy to enable travel for medical, safety, or environmental crises.
Financial Freedom: The Financial Motivator of WCR, 2023 includes Protecting assets from government overreach via geographical diversification and facilitating wealth planning more tax-efficiently.
The WCR 2023 has focused more on the Freedom of Individuals to attain the comforts and pleasures of life. CS Global Partners has precisely defined the concept of freedom. They defined freedom as the ability of individuals to act, think, and express themselves without undue constraint or oppression. as according to them, this fundamental Human right enables individuals to pursue their own goals, dreams, and happiness while also contributing to the greater good of society as a whole.
Regarding citizenship, They described the concept of freedom as referring to the rights and privileges provided to individuals to be officially recognized as citizens of a particular country. When curtailing the idea of freedom, The Idea of freedom goes beyond the feelings of frustration and spills over to structural inequalities or even outright oppression. In such cases, individuals may leave their country for a more open society with better opportunities. Addressing the root causes of these restrictions and creating inclusive communities can help reduce emigration and create a more stable and prosperous world.
The CEO, Micha-Rose-Emmett, on citizenship, stated, “If an individual is unable to satisfy these needs in their home country, it may very well be the catalyst for people to decide to invest in a second citizenship and immigrate to a new country. Finding a new country to call your home may allow individuals to fulfil these needs by providing access to necessities, safety and security, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.”
World Citizenship Report outlines the concept of freedom and what it means to the people
The WCR 2023 defined freedom as relative and absolute, depending on the context and perspective it follows. The concept of freedom can also vary from person to person.
For some, freedom is accessing better health and educational facilities for their children; for some, freedom is living in a country that provides equal rights for all without undergoing discrimination at any level; some marks freedom is living in a country where families are living peacefully and keeping their properties are at safe, for some the Idea of freedom comes by living in a place providing more business opportunities to the individual to grow and expand vigorously, some define the word freedom as being able to invest in and own assets in another country with a more stable economy. Some say the freedom is to travel for business without filling in mountains of paperwork and waiting for approvals.
From a fundamental standpoint, freedom has an inherent and inseparable human right. This means that every individual has the right to enjoy certain freedoms, such as freedom of thought, expression, and movement, regardless of their circumstances or environment. In this sense, freedom is a fundamental concept that cannot be compromised or limited.
In other terms, the concept of freedom is described as a realization that freedom is often related to the social, cultural, and political context in which it is exercised. The freedom to criticize the government may be protected in some nations, while it might also be restricted or punished in others.
Furthermore, The WCR 2023 defined that the concept of freedom can also be subjected according to its limitations, including impositions of Laws, ethics, and rights of others. For instance, an individual with the freedom to express his opinion may also have the responsibility not to deceive or serve hatred or violence, among others. In this context, the concept of freedom has its limitations and features.
The CEO, Micha-Rose-Emmett, on the concept of freedom, stated, “The freedom means for each person is different and depends on their personal circumstances. Someone living in a country that restricts their rights, self-expression or religious freedoms may seek the freedom of expression and the freedom from discrimination.
World Citizenship report compares DENMARK AND SOMALIA on freedom concept.
Download the full World Citizenship report here
The WCR 2023 differentiated the concept of freedom by comparing the two countries regarding the freedom it provides to their citizens in their report. According to the WCR released in 2023, Denmark ranked first in the World Citizenship Report (WCR), while Somalia ranked last. Denmark ranked overall with a score of 87.6, the highest ranking in the WCI. The Nation ranked the highest score in the Financial Freedom motivator with 84 points and second in the Quality of Life motivator with a score of 90.6.
Denmark is considered a free country with high political and personal freedom levels. Denmark is a democratic country with a constitutional monarchy, where the people have the right to vote and choose the leaders of their own choice. The Danish constitution of Denmark also protects several fundamental rights, including freedom of expression, religion, and assembly.
Denmark, the Nation with the highest ranking, is also known for its strong welfare state. It provides its citizens with a high standard of living and social protection. Denmark has a mixed economy with high government involvement in terms of economic freedom,
The Nation consistently ranked among the world’s most business-friendly countries, having a strong and stable economy. While also there are certain limitations and challenges it has, like any other country, Danes generally enjoy a high degree of personal and political freedom. Compared to Denmark, Somalia received an overall score of 24.9, ranking 152, the lowest in the WCR.
While on the other hand, The political system of Samolia lacks in various ways, which makes it a nation with significant violence and human rights abuses issues.
The Samolia Government has also struggled to establish its authority throughout the country. Various armed groups have continued conflict and committed human rights violations. In some areas, the armed groups of Samolia controlled the territory and imposed laws and restrictions on the people.
There are also enormous challenges related to security in Somalia. Some areas are still under the armed groups, leaving the safety and security of the Nation at risk. Also, There has been a significant improvement in the freedom of speech in Somalia in recent years.
The media sector of Samolia has been working more freely than ever. Journalists and media workers still face risks and challenges, including harassment, intimidation, and physical attacks. The financial sector in Somalia is primarily informal and faces significant challenges, including corruption, lack of regulation, and limited access to banking services.
However, some initiatives also aim to improve financial inclusion and promote entrepreneurship. The security situation affects the freedom of movement in Somalia, and some areas are difficult to access or controlled by armed groups. However, people are generally free to move within the country, and there are no significant legal restrictions on mobility. Overall, the situation in Somalia remains challenging, and the enjoyment of freedom and human rights varies widely depending on the region and context. The situation regarding freedom in Somalia varies depending on the area and context.