India’s daily coronavirus cases count doubles in just ten days. The country record count was two lakhs until Thursday morning. Authorities cited the reasons as shortage of vaccines, hospital beds, and treatment facilities.
Doctors and hospital staff are grappling for beds while several state governments are taking strict actions by enforcing curfews.
Steady rise in Coronavirus cases
There was a steady decline in several Coronavirus cases since last September, but this month took a deadly turn. In only one month, the cases skyrocketed to two lakhs. The Coronavirus cases are doubling in just ten days or so.
While the USA topped the cases list in 21 days, India came rushing after, toppling the charts by reaching the grim milestone in only eleven days. These unprecedented figures caused a stir across the country. After so many cases, India became the second-worst country since April 2. The various states of India are to shut down to decrease the numbers.
India’s timeline to the top spot
- 1038, people died of COVID-19 in the same time frame. These increased the total fatalities to 1,73,123.
- India’s tally of two crores coronavirus cases makes it stand just behind the USA and Brazil.
- 1.5 lakh cases were on the fifth day and one lakh cases per day, making the situation worse.
- The worst city of India is Maharashtra’s capital Mumbai. Public gatherings are restricted, malls and cinema halls are shutting down completely.
- After Maharashtra, Southern states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka are following the trend.
- National capital Delhi also reported the surge in cases for the first time since the pandemic. Delhi government is enforcing curfews, and other security measures are taking place immediately.
- The highest cases in 24 hours were from Karnataka. The overall count of the state was 10.94 lakhs.
- The super spreader of coronavirus took place in Kumbh Mela in Haridwar. People were flouting the rules and regulations to take a holy dip in the Ganges.
India is home to the largest vaccine manufacturers. And India has started its vaccination process in January. In this heavily populated country, 11.44 million people have received the vaccine shots.