According to a recent report, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged the Taliban to end the prohibition on girls’ education and reopen women’s educational institutions in Afghanistan.

According to HRW’s research, Afghanistan is the only nation that forbids girls from attending secondary school. The Taliban should cease threatening the future of women, girls, and the country.

The group criticized the world’s lax attitude to dealing with the Taliban and expressed worry about how the group’s gender-based discrimination has hurt Afghan women and girls.

In particular, the rights of women and girls had been promised protection by the Taliban. Sahar Fetrat, an assistant researcher at HRW’s women’s rights section, claims that despite this, they sent adolescent females home as the new school year got underway.

The caretaker government reopened secondary schools in March 2022 for boys. Girls in classes seven through twelve were not permitted to enrol. The bans, which prompted national and international vehement criticism, also applied to women working for humanitarian organizations.

In HRW’s opinion, Afghanistan has the highest illiteracy incidence and a grim future. The report concluded that “no country can imagine a happy future without educated girls and women.”

The statement stressed how the Taliban’s ban on women attending higher education last year increased their disdain for women.

As a result, HRW pleaded with foreign leaders to take prompt, sensible, and significant action to cease the Taliban’s ongoing oppression of Afghan women and girls.

After briefly reopening the girls’ schools in Paktia before closing them again, the Taliban came under fire from the general people worldwide. Serious responses were provoked both inside and outside Afghanistan by this.

According to Tolo News, many girls protested the closing of their schools on Saturday by taking to the streets in Paktia’s centre. Social media users shared videos of the protests widely, which incited angry responses from the Afghan population, well-known politicians, and human rights advocates.

Recent calls for diplomatic pressure on the Taliban to reopen secondary schools for females in the war-torn nation came from several human rights and education activists.

By outlawing education for females in grades six and up, the Taliban-run Afghan government deprived them of their constitutional right to an education. The letter encouraged world leaders, regional allies, and international organizations to take significant steps to advance and defend the rights of Afghan girls.

Young girls and women will compromise their aspirations and suffer tremendously if the scenario continues, the activists warned.