Kathmandu, Nepal: Lakshmi Nakarmi, a young woman from the ancient city of Patan, accompanied by her staff members and three sisters, emerges to turn business into transform her work into a lucrative business by using a less to no regarded corn husk into a delicate artwork.

Nepal-based Lakshmi Nakarmi, a young woman from the ancient city of Patan in a rented apartment, is working hard to transform her talent into a lucrative business by using her three decades back idea, which she got while reading an article about using corn husks in Christmas decors, taken by this idea, Lakshmi accompanied by her sisters started the began its foundation in a rented apartment.

During her recent interview with the sources, Lakshmi told her story, and how she got the idea of using these Corn husks to make fine décor artworks, she shared “They were making art from the corn husk, which was loosely wrapped art depicting their culture, being inspired by that I started it as a hobby and focused on Nepali culture. At first, I used to make small pieces of art and had no thoughts about starting it as a business. Once I read that story in the magazine, the idea to start with Nepali culture was also pioneered. I always had that thought on my mind about recycling things which we throw out, and the magazine drove me towards it,”

Initially, The Corn husks, Mainly used in North America, inspired the four sisters living in the ancient Patan in Lalitpur to transform these less-regarded artworks into some finished products.

During her latest Interview, Laxmi recalled the ancient days when she started advertising her products in the market. People had little regard for art after they learned about the material used to make it.

She also claimed about several things, mainly people’s reactions towards her using corn husks for decor purposes and shared that Earlier, people would react to ‘corn husks’ and change their facial expressions when we used to exhibit it; some used to ask if it was made from paper and upon knowing it, they would still disregard it as an art.

She also shared that many visitors would also invite her to come and collect corn husks at their locality, and she would request them to keep them, promising to bring them back and use them for art. she often went to their locality and got them here to use for the art. People previously used to react differently over the corn husk, but now it has changed,”

Initially, she made dolls only in small numbers, which mainly used to be supplied to handicraft stores around Kathmandu but with time, Laxmi included diversity in her art. The diverse ethnicities across Nepal are now found in her art pieces, whether it is Newari, Khas-Pahadi, Raute (the last remaining nomads of Nepal), Kirat, Sherpa, or Jhakri- the dolls have intricate designs in their facial appearance, colour and attire.

The team making these art pieces, such as dolls, key rings, souvenir pieces, boxes, and animals, all made using corn-husk and bio-degradable itinerates, works throughout the day to complete the orders. Depending on the quantity and the size of dolls, about five women, most of whom can’t listen or speak, work throughout the day without resting.