Saint Lucia: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism- Ernest Hilaire Yesterday (16-12-22), met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National Security of Jamaica, Dr Horace Chang.
Their motive for the meeting was to discuss the challenges that the residents of the nation commonly face, and they also discussed ways in order to promote national development.
Ernest Hilaire shared all this information on his official Facebook account, stating, “Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National Security of Jamaica, Hon. Dr Horace Chang. The exchange was fruitful as we discussed several ways Saint Lucia and Jamaica can collaborate to deal with common challenges and exploit numerous opportunities to promote national development.”
Saint Lucia and Jamaica both countries share friendly relations, and Yesterday the country also adopted French and Jamaican methodologies in order to prevent the country from Crime.
Crime and Criminality are increasing in Saint Lucia, and the government of Saint Lucia is trying their best to stop these crimes. And now, they decided to adopt the French and Jamaican methodology to prevent these crimes.
Yesterday, on December 14, 2022, Prime minister and minister for national security, Philip J Pierre, announced on their official Facebook page that they will lead a panel of all country officials who are responsible for national security to Martinique to meet with the Préfet, Jean-Christopher Bouvier and French officials at the 8th French-Saint Lucian Joint Security Commission in Martinique.
The panel will discuss and seek to agree on cooperation in citizen security and the fight against trafficking, cooperation in disaster management, judicial cooperation, and immigration and border management.
Furthermore, he added that “My administration is committed to national security and will not only continue to bolster our institutions in a bid to protect and serve the citizens but will also cooperate with stakeholders to assure that we maintain our freedoms and growth as a country.”