The White House Historical Association Museum in the United States recognised the contributions of First Lady Laura Bush towards providing equipped degrees in Education and Library science. She has also played as a stone in her husband’s Political career.
While recognising her contributions to providing well-equipped education services, the White House Historical Association Museum on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, shared some facts about her journey and contributions to the Education sector.
First, The White House Historical Association also highlighted Laura Bush’s remarks at the White House Conference on School Libraries in 2002, where she remarked: “Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.”
Equipped with degrees in Education and library science and years of experience as a public school teacher and librarian, Bush encouraged literacy, learning, and libraries throughout her husband’s political career.
Bush established two major book festivals to promote the joy of reading and celebrate authors’ work: the Texas Book Festival, created during her time as first lady of Texas in 1995, and the National Book Festival, founded with the Library of Congress in 2001 (pictured). Both have become beloved annual events for bookworms in the United States.
As per the shared reports, Bush also promoted the role of libraries in the lives of children, hosting several White House conferences and convenings on the subject throughout her tenure as first lady. Initiatives include Ready to Read, Ready to Learn and UNESCO’s Decade of Literacy, which also sought to improve literacy worldwide.
She spearheaded the creation of the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, which supports the recruitment and training of library and archival professionals. Bush even oversaw a renovation of the White House Library with support from the White House Historical Association.
She has continued this vital work since leaving the White House, serving as honorary chair of The Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries, which provides book-purchasing grants to school libraries across the United States.
As first lady, Bush was an educator and an ambassador, and this month we will share some lesser-known insights about her — who she is and how she used her influence during her time at the White House.
At last, while extending their gratitude, the White House Historical Association urged people to Stay tuned as they examine different first lady each month and their profound impact on the Executive Mansion and beyond.