Lord Rami Ranger, a member of the UK House of Lords, has criticised the BBC for its two-part onslaught on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He also questioned the BBC’s inaccurate reporting on the two-part programme “India: The Modi Question” in a tweet.

He wrote to BBC,  ” Over a billion Indians have been deeply affected by your actions, which also humiliate the democratically chosen Indian PM, Indian Police and the Indian courts. We condemn the riots, the deaths they caused, and your biased reporting”.

According to him, the campaign against Modi was “poorly thought out” and insulted the “biggest democracy” worldwide.

According to the synopsis of the series, “A look at the tensions between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India’s Muslim minority, probing charges regarding his complicity in riots that left over 2,000 people dead in 2002,”

Several Twitter users who criticised the BBC’s reporting recommended the channel launch a series on the 1943 Bengal famine, which resulted in 3 million fatalities from hunger under the leadership of the then-prime minister Winston Churchill.

Churchill, who participated in the western war effort, commanded that food be diverted from the hungry Indians and given to the well-fed British forces.

A Twitter user recommended the BBC launch “UK: The Churchill Question.” Another user advised BBC to concentrate on the UK, whose economy is struggling.

India’s economy will surpass Japan and Germany by 2030 to become the third largest in the world, according to recent forecasts from S&P Global, Morgan Stanley, and other rating agencies. India now has the fifth-largest economy in the world, surpassing the UK.

PM Modi had previously stated that his administration wants to move India among the top three nations in the world.