The Belgium-based Environmental Conservation Organisation, WWF Belgium, to mark and honour International Lions Day, Yesterday (Thursday), August 10, 2023, shared the story of survival and resilience, Lady Liuwa.

The Belgium-based Environmental Conservation Organisation, WWF Belgium (World Wide Fund for Nature), deals with all the significant activities and field projects in Belgium Soil and undergoes Sustainable management of the Forest areas.

The WWF Belgium celebrated International Lions Day on Thursday, August 10, 2023, to mark and honour their legacy and power. They also shared an exciting and inspiring story of a female Lion named Lady Liuwa who lived in the African Forests in 2002. 

Lady Liuwa is a story of survival and resilience. After years of war and intense poaching, Lady Liuwa was the only survivor in Liuwa Park in 2002. She would stay that way for eight years. She was even looking for people’s company.

WHILE SHARING HER STORY, the CEO of African Park, Peter Fearnhead, emphasised some of her habits in the Park.

“She often went to lie within five feet from our campfire in the Park’s heart. When it was time to go to bed, she followed us, walked parallel to our path, and fell asleep in front of one of our tents. 

In the morning, we found her observing from a tree without ever posing a threat. After years of loneliness, several reintroductions and careful management, we reunited her with her family. While we are deeply saddened by her death, she leaves a legacy of survival within the small but growing pride of Liuwa Plain. ” she added.

The WWF Belgium Conservation Organisation, while remarking several things about her, extended their pleasure and thanked African Parks, supported by WWF-België. 

“The Park has come to life again. And the legacy of Lady Liuwa continues to flourish #WorldLionDay,” they added.